2015 To Do List…

Good evening duckies!

So I’m going to do a ‘start of year, what do I want to achieve to do list’ thingymajiiiigg.

I’m one for lists – I have many on the go at one time and lots of things that never get crossed off… also I am guilty for the fact that, especially recently, the fun things on these lists always overtake the ummm… ‘not fun things’ like being on the computer for instance…

I used to love my laptop now I ignore it as much as possible and see it as a threat to ruin my happy day of creativity. For some reason the ipad or iphone don’t suck in my time nearly as much – I look up what I need to – a tutorial to do the thing I next want to make or to make a pinterest board for upcoming projects and ideas and the inspire me. My laptop is a more of a professional time sucker – it’s more serious and pressurising. But the problem is that I am avoiding things that I shouldn’t – I am delaying things, I am making other people’s lives harder by not replying or doing things I’m meant to… I’m being rather naughty… but not in a nice way and I need to get over it and get the hell on with it all.

So back to my to do list for this year, my new year’s resolutions if you will…
1) I will do ALL the things on my lists – even the ‘boring’ bits. I will feel better when they are done and so will the other people involved.

OK now I’ve set myself up to all of these things too or you can all shout at me!

2) I will do one project at a time and stop jumping around and getting distracted… yeah I’m bad at this too… VERY easily distracted!

3) I will TRY not to talk about my upcoming wedding all day every day it’s quite frankly, no one else cares that much and I don’t want to bore everyone. I might still mention it from time to time though because it’s a rather big thing to me. I might blog about it a little too but you can skip those blogs if you like- I will warn you when they come up!

4) I will cook something different every week (when at home)
I want to try new recipes and discover new taste sensations!

5) I will sew at least a garment per month, and hopefully a lot more but I have something rather big to sew for myself now (see above to point 4 to get an idea!)

6) I will also knit more- I love knitting and its the perfect accompaniment to night time movies and TV. Yes and not just straight line knitting Gabby, this year I will learn to curve and shape my knits!

7) I will write a new album – I’m not there yet, even though my whole team are pushing for me to be but all in good time – it will happen this year… I’m not promising it will be good though… I will try and make it good but what I like may not be what you like… and that’s ok.

8) I will ‘go back to my roots’ I need to fall in love with music again. There, I said it. And I will.

9) I will see more of my friends – I have been neglecting people for a while- I am sorry and this year I will see you more.

10) I will be thankful for my life, my fiance, my family, my dog and my home everyday this year. I am very lucky for all I have and I will remember and think about this every single day. (This is actually something I already do but I’m going to make a thing of it this year.)

Oh and I should do some exercise because I need to look after my body and health but I’m not going to put this as a promise because I’m trying to think of any way possible to avoid sport for now – I do long dog walks with Hobbes – that’s enough isn’t it?!

So that’s my list and maybe with more honesty then I should say but I have, so there.

I realised today that my only goal in life has and will always be – happiness – and right now I can honestly say I have achieved that goal- but who knows what will happen next… I need to remember to keep everyone around me as happy as I can too – and that starts with replying to their emails!

I’m sending too much love for a blog to carry to each and everyone of you.
Thankyou for reading,

Hello I’m Gabby! When I’m not singing with my band 'Gabby Young' I’m mainly sewing, dreaming about fabrics, patterns or knitting and vlogging or blogging about it all! Come join me! Xox Gabby
1 comment
  1. We all avoid “work” for the “fun” stuff. But have you tried HelloFresh.co.uk for putting the fun back in cooking? Use Code PA6W83 to get £20 off interesting recipes with photo instructions!

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