My Stash… PART II- Patterns!


Well firstly, let me introduce you to my NEW BLOG! Well it’s the same blog but in a NEW PLACE! I have decided to put my web designing skills to good use and try a wordpress blog – so here we are. Please don’t leave me looking so unloved and sign up to the left or follow me on bloglovin because when you move blogs you basically start again and I NEED YOUR LOVING! 😉

Anyway – as promised- the second part to my stash… this time my vastly growing pattern collection. Oh I do love a pattern. I really should make more of these… but some of them are frail beasts from car boot sales and charity shops and well, I’m quite a clumsy girl and will probably rip them or something and then I’ll be a sad panda.

The modern ones…


ALL my patterns were crazy cheap – under £2 apart from the first 2 from Victory Patterns and Colette Patterns but I want to support our indie pattern makers and they were so pretty and also I was in the stunning Village Haberdashery in West Hampstead and kind of forgot that money didn’t grow on trees for that half hour – if you’ve been there you will understand why – oops! 🙂

How amazing is the McCall’s Costume one? – I am about to go bustle mad!!

Patterns2 Patterns3 Patterns4

All of these have just appeared in my life mainly from charity shops and a lady I picked up an ebay sewing machine part from a few weeks ago – the last 3 need to be made into stage wear now!

The first Burda Style dress was the first dress I made (not counting the very simple one I started this whole journey with on ‘Make A Dress In A Day‘ at The Fashion Box class – which GROUPON HAS A MASSIVE DEAL ON SO BOOK NOW!!)

Now for my favourite bit –

The VINTAGE Patterns…


OK these are actually modern reproductions but I they are all top of my list to make so I’m happy you can even get reproductions! I love that the 2 dresses either side are just one piece- over the head wraparound pieces of beauty!

THE 80s


THE 70s


THE 60s


THE 40s and 50s


So there’s my stash! The very sorry truth is I have only made 3 of these so far (Burda dress, 80s shorts and bathrobe for dad’s Christmas present) but let’s put it in the glass half full way – I have so many more to make annnnd in the spirit of that I have an announcement to make…


I, Gabrielle Hope Young will make at least 5 vintage (or reproduction) patterns up in 2015 as part of the 2015 Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge!


In other news – I’ve started finding work and am off on tour in Germany next week so that’s all rather nice! I have also been making stuff- working on a pencil skirt in red and white chevron cotton and knitting my first fair isle/colour work piece which is hopefully going to be something like a black and white leopard print cowl/snood/infinity scarf (what are they called?!)

So that’s all… for now!

Love and a lot of unpicking

Xox (with a new cheeky signature!)


PS. LOVING Great Bitish Sewing Bee… Lorna or Ryan to win for me – I actually want to be Lorna when I grow up!! Who do you want to win?

Living On A Shoestring

Hello I’m Gabby! When I’m not singing with my band 'Gabby Young' I’m mainly sewing, dreaming about fabrics, patterns or knitting and vlogging or blogging about it all! Come join me! Xox Gabby