Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and… Basil?!

While I warm up supper (calm down, I cooked it yesterday- I haven’t reverted back to my old ready meals ways!!) I thought I would share some pictures of some new arrivals… HERBS! And lots of them!!

OK, they aren’t ALL technically herbs- those, up there, are ferns!

My lovely friend, stylist, brilliant blogger and general wonderstar Katie Antoniou has a finger in a wonderful pie called Monkey Shoulder, a great whiskey company who ran a pop up easter event full of plants and (skip to the end) most of them ended up in our garden!!! YEY! I am SO happy! I spent all of yesterday putting them in pots and the ground and they look amazing!  I feel very lucky to have all these new pretties – plants are an expensive part of the garden that I can’t afford so this was a fast track to a pretty, lush foliage filled garden! THANKS KATIE!!

As it’s drought time you will see lots of water catchers around!
This is a very big water catcher!
How cute are the little ones- I have no idea what they are – Parsley?!

And, of course (before the food burns!) it was easter – and we ultilised a newly useable garden with 2 egg hunts- one for our neighbours, one for my family! It was perfect for nooks and crannies to hide the chocolate treats and we had a lovely day.

Hobbes had a ‘markies’ hunt (like dog’s catnip!)

I have also had a great run of freecycle pickups, and getting rid off stuff too… the following finds mean there will be crafts coming up…

Desk, Wicker Chair and Lamp! REVAMPS coming up…
2 boxes of brilliant fabric… and this means…
BUNTING!!!! (and other sewing projects!)

So lots to get on with and I have a to do list of blogs I want to do – recipes are going to happen… soon- thanks for your responses, please keep them coming! I’m trying baking next- I want to make bread! Someone called me a domestic goddess the other day that made me very happy but also laugh, as I am FAR from that! It’s nice to have some time between touring to try out these things though!

So please keep telling me your ideas for projects, cooking and any easy sewing ideas! I love hearing from you.

Hope you are all happy little bunnies.
Love, luck and chocolate,
Xox Gabherb Xox

Hello I’m Gabby! When I’m not singing with my band 'Gabby Young' I’m mainly sewing, dreaming about fabrics, patterns or knitting and vlogging or blogging about it all! Come join me! Xox Gabby
  1. Aww you saved the plants from their inevitable doom… xo

  2. Your garden looks amazing Gabble!! I have one herb tip, having killed off thousands in my time, and that’s to make sure your basil gets all the sunlight it can possibly get. These days I can keep a basil plant alive for weeks at a time! 😉 A craft blogs I think is really cute is A Beautiful Mess (and there’s baking on there too); you should definitely investigate Dan Lepard’s recipes on The Guardian website for bread; and if you want something amazing to do with all those green things, I just posted a thing about an amazing German seven-herb sauce 🙂

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