Chiswick Car Boot Sale…

Ahoy there me bloggies!
I wanted to share my latest car boot conquest with you all – Chiswick Car Boot- so far my favourite!

I am happy to report the sun had his hat on last Sunday- it was a glorious day. I woke up early, and with the sun in my eyes, I set myself a mission – to go and discover a new car boot sale in London. It was an easy choice as everyone keeps saying “you should check out Chiswick’s car boot” and when I lived there a few years ago I remember seeing it but being late, as I often am, for a lunch I had to walk past promising I would revisit that spot soon. I was ecstatic to find out that it was on this very day (it’s only on every first Sunday of the month) and Stephen, Hobbes and I dashed to get ready and into the car as quickly as possible as it closes at 1pm (I wish they kept it open a little later- I enjoy my Sunday lie-ins!)

The moment we arrived I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear and declare this was ‘the best possible way to spend a sunny Sunday’ it was HUGE! We got there an hour before the end so they had obviously stopped charging for entry as we walked straight in… with Hobbes… it wasn’t until the very end we discovered it was NO DOGS ALLOWED!! Oopsadaisy… but also I find that a little sad- I love dogs at car boots! Anyway Hobbes enjoyed his elicit first car boot and was remarkably well behaved, in fact he was a delight- we were so proud and relieved- anyone that knows Jack Russells will understand my worry!!

There was such variation – all types of stuff from and for all types of people… antiques to junk, beautifully set up areas to piles of clothes on the floor!

We so wanted this rabbit but at £40 and nowhere to put it we decided to walk away!

We only bought ONE THING which is half amazing as we don’t have any money to spend but half slightly disappointing as I love finding gems at car boots anyway, I say WE I mean Stephen… the shark fanatic, spent a whole 50p on this:

Turns out this is a 1st edition and worth quite a bit more than 50p!

I’m going to try and find another new car boot next Sunday – any ideas welcome!

So that’s all for today I have just come in from the garden, where I am busy planting, pruning and tidying up. I have been putting in lots of lavender to fill the space between the main garden and the summerhouse so, hopefully, by the end of summer it should be a big hedge of purple flowers and beautiful smelling plants! I also finally took Monty Don’s (from Gardener’s World on BBC TV) advice and treated my flower beds to a good ole layer of mulch – which not only looks great but is enriched with nutrients, stops weeds, protects your plants from frost and retains moisture- that IS good for the garden!

I went a little mad online shopping for plants last month so I keep getting the postman with massive boxes at my door (usually when it’s raining) so I am out there planting up everything that arrives any chance I get and especially when the sun is out and luckily it was today! I can’t wait for my shipment of herbs and I am also enjoying the forsythia brightening up the garden and kitchen!

We were given the bunch of beautiful tulips from our lovely friends, Jess and Andy – they make me so happy!

Oh and yesterday I made my first PIE!!! Chicken, mushroom and bacon… it was yummy, Stephen agrees, but next time I will try and use roast chicken as frying it just before hand makes it dry. When I get it right I will share the recipe as it was so easy!

Over and out as now I must gobble up the rest of said pie for my supper- blogging and watching Masterchef always makes me hungry!
Love and lavender
Xox Gabpie xoX

Hello I’m Gabby! When I’m not singing with my band 'Gabby Young' I’m mainly sewing, dreaming about fabrics, patterns or knitting and vlogging or blogging about it all! Come join me! Xox Gabby
  1. Beautiful garden and kitchen.

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